Mutharika Lectures Brian Banda on Leadership and Age Concerns

By Burnett Munthali

In an engaging and revealing exclusive interview with Brian Banda, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, the DPP’s endorsed candidate for the 2025 presidential elections, took the opportunity to educate Banda on historical leadership and address concerns about his age.

The conversation took an intriguing turn when Mutharika invoked the story of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a Roman general renowned for his leadership and resilience. Mutharika used this historical reference to bolster his position and deflect concerns about his age.


Mutharika challenged Banda’s knowledge of history by asking if he knew about Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus. When Banda admitted ignorance, Mutharika explained that Cincinnatus was a Roman general who, at the age of 89, led his people to victory against invaders within 16 days. Despite his remarkable leadership, Cincinnatus chose to return to his farm rather than accept a permanent position of power.

When Banda asked if Mutharika saw himself as a modern-day Cincinnatus, the former president affirmed the comparison, suggesting that like Cincinnatus, he remains committed and capable despite his age.

The conversation then shifted to the topic of Mutharika’s age and its implications for his campaign. Banda raised concerns about whether Mutharika could handle the rigorous demands of the campaign trail given his advanced age.

Mutharika responded assertively, questioning why his age was a topic of concern now. He emphasized that his supporters remain confident in his strength and capability. Mutharika criticized the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) for allegedly spreading doubts about his stamina, suggesting that these concerns stem from political rivalry rather than genuine issues.

Mutharika defended his readiness to campaign, asserting that while no one can predict the future, he feels strong and prepared. He positioned the doubts about his age as politically motivated, aimed at undermining his campaign rather than reflecting his actual capabilities.

In conclusion, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s conversation with Brian Banda highlighted his confidence and determination to continue in the political arena despite age-related concerns. By drawing parallels with historical figures like Cincinnatus, Mutharika sought to reinforce his image as a resilient and committed leader. His responses to Banda’s questions showcased his readiness to tackle the challenges of the upcoming election, framing any doubts about his age as mere political maneuvering by his opponents.