Muvi wa Chilungamo calls for Constitutional Court to revisit 3rd February, 2020 ruling

By Vincent Gunde

The 3rd February, 2020 landmark ruling of the electoral justice set the laws that Malawians to go to the polls on 23rd June, 2020 to elect the president based on the 50 plus 1 majority win and this was done with President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera forming a united force with the late Dr. Saulosi Chilima in the MCP-UTM Alliance as the main partners.

The MCP Alliance led to the other political parties such as AFORD, MAFUNDE, Peoples Party, Umodzi Party, PETRA and others, to join it and became witnesses of Alliance as it was been signed at the Kamuzu Institute for Youth ground in Lilon

Constitutional Court Judges asked  to revisit the 3rd February, 2020 ruling on 50+1

Speaking through a Revolutionary voice in various social media platforms, President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, has described UTM pulling out from the Alliance with MCP as THE collapse of the Tonse Alliance in government.

Jumah said without the UTM in the equation, there is no government in Malawi calling upon the Constitutional Court not to keep quiet but to translate its ruling made on 3rd February, 2020 claiming that 20 percent of the votes were for UTM.

He said as the writings are on the wall, Malawi has a minority government and president meaning that the citizens are being governed by an institution which is illegal and is committing a crime against the 50 plus 1 majority win set by the Constitutional Court.

The MRP President said this the time that the Constitutional Court can come in to guide Malawians on the need of an interim government to be put in place so that it oversees the 2025 elections and not a minority government the country is having today.

He said from 12th July, 2024 soon after the UTM announced that it has ended its electoral Alliance with the MCP, Malawi has a vacancy of a government and President calling for a transitional government to be established to start preparing for the 16th September, 2025 General Elections.

Jumah said the UTM is out of government not by its wish but in anger over the mysterious and tragic death of its leader Dr. Saulosi Chilima and eight others, whose death are subject to discussions through nationwide Candlelight Memorial Services.

“The Constitutional Court faulted the DPP for winning the May, 2019 elections without 50 plus one majority win and today, it is quiet seeing the MCP running government alone without the UTM,” said Jumah.

He said Muvi wa Chilungamo is happy for the country to have 50 plus 1 majority win saying this will change the Republican Constitution for it to have a public wire surrounding the peoples’ taxes advising Malawians that if they want a government to clear politics of stupidity in, Muvi wa Chilungamo is here.

The MRP President has finally assured Malawians that they should not make a mistake to vote for MRP in government in 2025 and once does that, Malawi will say ‘bye -bye to politics of stupidity” the president will revert back to be using Land Rover vehicles and Ministers to use Toyota Corollas.