Muvi wa Chilungamo claims Malawi’s economy in shambles

By Vincent Gunde

President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP),Bantu Saunders Jumah, says Malawi’s economy has slowed down and the currency has lost value.

He says the problems in Malawi are three times more than under the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government, noting that the current government has no experience in governance.

According to Jumah, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) government has collapsed because it is exporting less and importing more. President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s promises and pledges have played no impact on the country and its citizens.


He says the national debt has reached K18 trillion, of which K15.1 trillion was borrowed by President Chakwera and his MCP in 4 years in government.

Jumah claims that there is nothing to show for the K15.1 trillion debt in terms of benefits to the country and its citizens.

Speaking through a Revolutionary voice in various social media platforms, Jumah says President Chakwera has become a frequent traveler, visiting Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Italy, Germany, Lower Shire States, and soon the UN General Assembly in the USA.

The MRP President says President Chakwera has made no signs that he can stop traveling and borrowing money for consumption and luxuries, which has put citizens in debt.

He says the K18 trillion debt means that every Malawian, including newborns, owes the international community K758,000 each.

Jumah also claims that the government is selling Likoma and Chizumulu Islands to the highest bidders, advising Malawians to be aware that their land is being sold.

He further claims that the DPP sold part of Lake Malawi for a National Park, which led to fishermen being arrested and prosecuted for fishing in their own lake.

He says that the MCP wants to do the same with Likoma Island.

Jumah says that politicians are taking the country for granted, with 65 Principal Secretaries for 29 Ministries accommodating Alliance partners.

He believes that the country is being led by bad leaders.

Jumah emphasizes that Muvi wa Chilungamo is not a group of politicians but revolutionaries.

He has since advised Malawians that the Alliance of political parties is a solution to 50+1 majority votes but not a solution to bring better government.