National Unity Minister Mtambo applauds stakeholder for Promoting Concept of Mindset Change

By Durrell Namasani

The Minister of National Unity Timothy Mtambo has applauded stakeholders that are embracing the Malawi 2063 Agenda of Mindset Change. He was speaking In Lilongwe on Friday at an education dissemination event organised by Developed Information Systems for Communications (DISCOM) DISKOM Communications. Mtambo thanked DISCOM for being one of the stakeholders that are   acknowledging the importance of mindset change at the individual, community, and national levels in order to instil a culture of self-reliance towards our inclusive wealth creation agenda.

DISKOM, a Malawian-based agency offering support services in International Education Consultancy in collaboration with international education institutions organised the event. The theme for this year is “New Thinking New Malawi: Education is Key” The minister said his ministry has been Mandated to champion the Mindset Change concept that aims Malawians to aspire to be a united, patriotic and proud people that believes in their own abilities and are active participants in building their nation towards its development goals

Mtambo took time to thank DISKOM for the role that DISCOM is playing by linking Malawians to international institutions for higher or tertiary education “The government of Malawi recognises the importance of higher education if the country is to attain sustainable socioeconomic development. It is for the same reason that besides Mindset Change Enabler, Mw2063 also identifies Human Capital Development as another important enabler for making the country be an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation by 2063”

Hon Timothy Mtambo Speaking to reporters at the DISCOM event

This enabler is principally founded on the premise that developing human capital through education, skills and health of the population plays a pivotal role in the transformation of the economy

Mtambo acknowledged that most of the youth do not have the requisite skills or financial capabilities to support the development agenda of the country. He highlighted that this may be the case because Access to Tertiary Education in Malawi is still limited and a challenge despite government’s effort to ensure that most youths get opportunities to upgrade themselves and contribute positively to national development. The therefore thanked DISCOM for striving to bridge the gap by providing services that will ensure parents and learners are informed of existing career opportunities thereby complimenting government efforts and social responsibility

Mtambo promised that his Ministry will work with DISCOM in support of their programs as government realises the need to disseminate messages to the Malawian Community, in general, and youths about career opportunities available here and beyond. Other programs provided by DISCOM include vocation/career guidance and psychosocial counselling. “DISCOM through Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Counselling and motivation are bringing practical solutions and must be appreciated for coming up with home grown psychosocial counselling,” said the Minister.

Mtambo also touched on the issue of opportunities for graduates. While thanking DISCOM for the facilitating the “Study Abroad” programs which has widen the horizon for opportunities for graduates to bring back knowledge and skills that are deficient in Malawi and therefore contribute to national development agenda or aspirations. Mtambo argued that it is now time for mindset change as far as graduates are concerned so that graduates are encouraged to be creative, explore other options rather than just waiting to be employed “most graduates or even parents and guardians have the old mentality that they have to be employed when they finish school instead of being creative in doing entrepreneurship activities. I am forced to conclude that this could be attributed to our old thinking that one has to get a white-collar job after living college. But things are changing as evident by the fact that majority of higher educational institutions are including entrepreneurial courses in their syllabuses and this needs to be commended and encouraged”.

Mtambo was also recognized with an award for brevity for his role in the fight for electoral justice at the same event.