New Songwe One Border Post for improved service delivery

 By Linda Kwanjana

Cross – border traders and travelers that use the old Songwe border say they anticipate security and improved efficiency once the new Songwe One Border Post is completed.

Kelvin Montfort, a Blantyre based Truck Driver said in an interview that his expectation is that the new border post will help reduce time for processing of imports and exports.
“I am a regular user of this border post but we normally have problems in processing clearance of our goods. Sometimes it takes the whole before we get cleared, we rarely experience this in other borders,” he emphasized. “I am hopeful that the new border post will help ease out some of these problems.”

Concurring with Montfort, another Truck Driver Gilbert Anganile said spending more time at the border waiting to be cleared also contributed to high levels of prostitution at the area thereby encouraging the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Jimmy Mwakasungura who works as a Guard at the new facility said the coming in of the new border post has created job opportunities to the people of the area.
“We thank President Chakwera for this development. Many youths in this area have managed to secure jobs, please keep it up,” he said.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services Songwe Border Public Relations Officer (PRO) Sergent Tilipo Ng’ambi said the new border will have new security features and that would enable them to detect security threats.
Ng’ambi expressed optimism that the new border post will also help iron out the current office space challenges.
“The old building has a small space so when we are helping people who are exiting and those who are coming in this country. We are hopeful that the new building will have security, as a new structure it is obvious that it will be equipped with security cameras which will be used to detect any illegal activities happening at the border,” she said.

King, Project Manager Assistant for Jiangxi Construction Engineering Company said his company is working hard to ensure that the project finishes in good time as agreed.