NGOs preaches about change in Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

By Wilfred Golden

In an inspiring endeavor to bolster awareness of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) across the nation, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) radiate optimism.

One notable force in the battle against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and the facilitation of contraceptive services for adolescent girls and young women is the non-profit organization, “Point of Progress,” through their dynamic project, “Her Future Her Choice.”

Henderson Phiri, the HFHC Project Officer, emphasizes that this initiative places a laser focus on adolescent girls and young women aged 10 to 24.

Project officer, Henderson Phiri addressing the gathering

He said this age group frequently grapples with the societal oversight of their SRHR, particularly in terms of accessing contraceptives.

“Girls and young women aged 10 to 24 often confront unfounded stigmatization when seeking contraceptives, unfairly judged as promiscuous or lacking self-respect in their sexual choices.

“Furthermore, cultural norms often curtail open conversations about sexuality with young individuals, especially among adolescent girls and young women. Our project strives to bridge this gap by ensuring they access comprehensive information regarding sexual and reproductive health, especially in the context of contraceptives,”he said.

Phiri passionately expressed this during an awareness campaign conducted in Unit 6, TA Malili, Lilongwe, on October 14, 2023.

Phiri also said that their ambitious aim is to reach about 4,000 young women and girls.

What adds a layer of excitement to this project is the extension of its timeline by a year, thanks to their triumphant accomplishment of the initial objectives within the stipulated period.

“At the project’s inception, our goal was to impart SRHR knowledge to 80% of young women and girls. Initially, the figure hovered around 30%, but through a mid-line evaluation survey, we’ve witnessed a surge to 86%. We anticipate even greater strides during the end-line evaluation survey,” he shared.

The ‘Her Future Her Choice’ project, funded by Global Affairs Canada through OXFAM Malawi, and meticulously implemented by the dedicated team at the Point of Progress organization, is set to illuminate the lives of young women and girls in T/A Chimutu and T/A Malili in Lilongwe.

Some of the girls performing at the function