NTAM introduces competition to promote theatre industry

By Chisomo Phiri

National Theatre Association of Malawi(NTAM) says it has introduced a competition that is aimed at promoting the theatre industry in the country.

The competition unveiling was held on Monday in Blantyre, with the contest set to start at regional level in September, before stretching to national level in November this year.

According to NTAM President Maxwell Chiphinga, the competition will involve three categories namely theatre, traditional dance and comedy.

Maxwell Chiphinga

Chiphinga, popularly known as Max DC, said the contest at regional level will see two groups in each category being selected for the national level.

Said Chiphinga :”The winner at national level is expected to walk away with K2 million in the theatre category, with the top winner in stand up comedy pocketing K750,000 and in traditional dance, K1 million.

“This is part of reviving theatre in the country which is not dead but rather has suffered greatly with Covid and also absence of proper venues.”

The theatre body’s President resident also announced that they have launched a crowd funding initiative in their quest to raise funds for their K15 million budget.

On his part, Veteran actor and playwright Charles Mphoka called on people to support support the competition in raising the K15 million, saying theatre lovers should support the crowd funding initiative.

NTAM was established in 1988 as Drama Association of Malawi (DAM).

In a couple of the succeeding years, it changed its name to National Theatre Association of Malawi (NTAM) to reflect other elements that go with drama such as dances and singing.

The Association has since then remained a coordinating body for theatrical arts in Malawi.

NTAM was formed to protect the interests, mediates and resolves issues involving performers, drama and choreographic groups on both individual and collective note.

The association is comprised of a functional Board of trustees, Executive Members at national level, regional level and some districts within the country and it has almost 150 members nationwide.