I’m here reading commentaries from disciplined Patriots with misplaced reconciliatory diplomacy.What do I see? Time in my country is a curse. It fades reality and ignores the dangers ahead.
The Prince of Thieves is apparently mutating into a Statesman worth national accolades and admiration. Tonse Alliance malaise in fighting state corruption is slowly becoming a plausible defense that says DPP was a clean administration. Wrongly accused. That’s making mockery of our collective intelligence.

We are saying Do whatever serves you well BUT don’t institutionalize mediocrity. That’s political opportunism. Expediency. Immoral Convenience. To this minute, Tonse Alliance Government has recovered NO single Tambala out of the TRILLIONS which were allegedly stolen. You said Mutharika was a Prince of Thieves. Where are these thieves? Show us what they had stolen. You are in a position to recover the loot. What prevents you from recovering the stolen goods?DPP Administration had failed to prosecute Bakili Muluzi despite overwhelming evidence because Muluzi plunder was just an introduction to biology. DPP was a devastation.
Similarly today, Tonse Alliance is unable to prosecute anybody they said was a thief because they are going to loot big time. Ngati mukuganiza kuti DPP imaba, mbava zeni-zeni zalowa m’bwalo zibvine tsopano. That’s the picture Tonse Alliance is painting.Tell me I’m wrong. Show me where I’m wrong.