President Chakwera shows mercy,frees 35 prisoners on Independence Day

By Chisomo Phiri

In a heartwarming display of mercy and compassion, President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has granted freedom to 35 deserving prisoners as part of 60th anniversary of Malawi’s independence.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Homeland Security, the pardoned prisoners include those who have served half of their sentences, the chronically ill, the elderly, and female convicts who were accompanied by their children to prison.

The prisoners were selected based on their good behavior and demonstration of reform while serving their sentences, in line with the Guidelines for the Granting of Pardon to Convicted Prisoners.


In addition to the pardon, President Chakwera has also granted a general amnesty to convicted prisoners serving determinate sentences, reducing their respective sentences by nine months.

This move aims to decongest the prisons and demonstrates the President’s commitment to justice and rehabilitation.

Meanwhile,the Ministry of Homeland Security has praised the President’s decision.