Time management: A major challenge for civil servants in Malawi

By Burnett Munthali

Time management remains a critical issue for many civil servants in Malawi, as highlighted by recent observations made during a surprise visit by Vice President Dr. Michael Usi. On Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Dr. Usi’s unannounced inspection of government offices in Chikwawa revealed significant inefficiencies and challenges in time management among civil servants.

Dr. Usi’s visit to Chikwawa was intended to assess the operational effectiveness and commitment of civil servants in the region. The Vice President’s decision to conduct an unscheduled check underscores the importance of accountability and transparency within the public sector.


During his visit, Dr. Usi observed several instances where time management issues were prevalent. These observations included delayed responses to tasks, inefficient use of working hours, and a general lack of punctuality. Such challenges not only hinder the productivity of government offices but also impact the quality of service provided to the public.

Effective time management is crucial for the smooth functioning of government operations and the delivery of services to citizens. The inefficiencies observed in Chikwawa reflect broader systemic issues that can affect various aspects of public administration. When civil servants struggle with time management, it can lead to delays in processing applications, inefficiencies in service delivery, and reduced public trust in government institutions.

The findings from Dr. Usi’s visit highlight the need for targeted interventions to address time management issues within the civil service. Potential solutions could include:

1) Providing civil servants with training on effective time management techniques and productivity tools can help improve their efficiency and organizational skills.

2) Implementing robust performance monitoring systems to track punctuality and task completion can encourage accountability and better time management.

3) Ensuring that civil servants have the necessary resources and support to perform their duties effectively can help minimize delays and improve overall productivity.

4) Promoting a culture of professionalism and time-consciousness within government offices can foster a more efficient working environment and enhance public service delivery.

Dr. Usi’s observations serve as a wake-up call for the Malawian civil service to address time management challenges proactively. By implementing strategic measures and fostering a culture of accountability, the government can enhance the efficiency of its operations and improve the quality of service provided to citizens.

As the Vice President’s visit underscores, addressing time management issues is not just about improving productivity; it is also about restoring public confidence in the effectiveness and integrity of government institutions.