Wycliff Chimwendo urges professionalism among teachers during ISAMA training visit

By Burnett Munthali

In a recent visit to Lilongwe Teachers Training College, Wycliff Chimwendo, President of the Independent Schools Association of Malawi (Isama), emphasized the crucial role of professionalism and integrity among teachers. Chimwendo’s call for enhanced ethical standards comes as Isama continues its commitment to improving educational quality through open distance learning programs.

During his visit, Chimwendo addressed a group of Isama teachers undergoing training in open distance learning. He urged them to maintain high levels of professionalism and integrity in their teaching practices. According to Chimwendo, the commitment to these values not only elevates the teaching profession but also ensures that educators can perform their duties with confidence and distinction.


Chimwendo highlighted the importance of equipping teachers with new skills as a means to set them apart from those lacking formal qualifications. By enhancing their capabilities, teachers can deliver their work more effectively and uphold the standards expected in the educational sector.

Thomas Chikuni, one of the participating teachers, praised Isama for its initiative in launching the training program. Chikuni noted that the program has been instrumental in providing educators with valuable skills and knowledge, which in turn enhances their teaching practices and contributes to their professional development.

ISAMA’s dedication to empowering teachers through innovative training programs reflects its broader mission to raise educational standards across the country. By investing in the continuous development of educators, Isama aims to foster an environment where quality education can thrive, ultimately benefiting students and advancing the educational landscape in Malawi.

In conclusion, Wycliff Chimwendo’s visit and subsequent call for heightened professionalism underscore a vital aspect of educational reform. As Isama continues to lead initiatives that bolster teacher competence and integrity, the impact on Malawi’s educational system will likely be profound. By prioritizing professional development and ethical standards, Isama is paving the way for a more robust and effective educational framework, setting a precedent for excellence in teaching and learning throughout the nation.